March 01, 2024
Celebrating a year of soaring success inside Kansas City International Airport's single terminal! Meat Mitch, the BBQ sensation from Leawood, has been rocking the scene for three thrilling years, and now they're the flagship BBQ shop in the spiffy new airport location.
August 07, 2023
Chicago's annual Windy City Smokeout, a paradise for barbecue aficionados, unfolded with savory splendor this year, drawing pitmasters and enthusiasts from across the nation to showcase their smoky creations. Amidst the aromatic haze, the spotlight shone on our very own Meat Mitch and their remarkable barbecue prowess.
May 03, 2023
With all the excitement of the 2023 Draft happening on our own front porch, Kansas City is being recognized as the Barbecue Capital of America. Find out who topped the list, hint hint, Meat Mitch.